An annual fee is payable to be a MAASA member and your SAMAA membership needs to be paid up as well.
Membership is renewed at the beginning of the calendar year and the fee depends on the class that you intend competing in.
The membership fees are shown on the online application form. Participation at competitions may require an entry fee.
This will be decided upon by the regional representatives and will be communicated before the event.
Your membership fee is used primarily to subsidise the cost of inviting judges from other provinces to judge at Regional and National competitions
in order to promote consistent judging standards Nationally. Some funds are also required in order to purchase and maintain equipment (Noise meters, voltage meters, precision scales, etc etc) that is required in order to
host a top level competition.
MAASA Communication
MAASA utilizes 2 platforms for communication.
1. This Web is the official “Home of MAASA”, where up to date documents,
news, etc can be found.
2. Facebook is used as a more informal medium. Click on the Facebook logo at the top of the page to join or visit
the group.